Resipi Terung Goreng

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Resipi Terung Goreng
Resipi Terung Goreng

Resipi Terung Goreng: Sedap & Mudah Dibuat!

Terung goreng, a simple yet delicious Malaysian dish, is a staple in many households. Its versatility allows for endless variations, from simple salted versions to those bursting with flavour from sambal and other spices. This guide will explore various resepi terung goreng, catering to different tastes and skill levels. Learn how to achieve perfectly cooked, flavourful terung every time!

Memilih Terung yang Sempurna

The key to a great terung goreng starts with selecting the right ingredients. Look for terung that are firm, smooth-skinned, and heavy for their size. Avoid those with bruises, soft spots, or blemishes. The best terung are usually dark purple and shiny.

Jenis-jenis Terung

There are various types of terung available. The most common are the long, purple ones, but you can also experiment with other varieties like the smaller, round ones. Each type will have a slightly different texture and taste, so feel free to explore!

Resipi Terung Goreng Asas (Basic Recipe)

This simple recipe is perfect for beginners and highlights the natural flavour of the terung.

Bahan-bahan (Ingredients):

  • 2 biji terung, potong bulat-bulat (2 eggplants, sliced into rounds)
  • 1 sudu besar garam (1 tablespoon salt)
  • 2 sudu besar minyak masak (2 tablespoons cooking oil)

Cara Penyediaan (Instructions):

  1. Taburkan garam secara merata pada hirisan terung. Biarkan selama 15-20 minit untuk mengeluarkan sedikit air. (Sprinkle salt evenly over the eggplant slices. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes to draw out some moisture.)
  2. Panaskan minyak masak dalam kuali. (Heat cooking oil in a pan.)
  3. Goreng hirisan terung sehingga keperangan dan lembut. (Fry the eggplant slices until golden brown and tender.)
  4. Angkat dan toskan minyak berlebihan. (Remove and drain excess oil.)
  5. Hidangkan panas. (Serve hot.)

Resipi Terung Goreng Sambal (Spicy Eggplant Recipe)

For those who enjoy a kick, this sambal terung goreng recipe is a must-try.

Bahan-bahan (Ingredients):

  • 2 biji terung, potong bulat-bulat (2 eggplants, sliced into rounds)
  • 3-4 cili padi, hiris (3-4 chili padi, sliced) - adjust to your spice preference
  • 2 ulas bawang putih, cincang (2 cloves garlic, minced)
  • 1 inci halia, cincang (1 inch ginger, minced)
  • 1 sudu besar belacan, kisar (1 tablespoon belacan, pounded)
  • 1 sudu besar kicap manis (1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce)
  • 1 sudu kecil gula (1 teaspoon sugar)
  • Minyak masak secukupnya (Cooking oil as needed)

Cara Penyediaan (Instructions):

  1. Panaskan minyak masak dalam kuali. Tumis bawang putih dan halia sehingga harum. (Heat cooking oil in a pan. Saute garlic and ginger until fragrant.)
  2. Masukkan cili padi dan belacan. Tumis sebentar. (Add chili padi and belacan. Saute briefly.)
  3. Masukkan hirisan terung. Goreng sehingga lembut. (Add eggplant slices. Fry until tender.)
  4. Perasakan dengan kicap manis dan gula. Kacau rata. (Season with sweet soy sauce and sugar. Stir well.)
  5. Angkat dan hidangkan panas. (Remove and serve hot.)

Tips untuk Terung Goreng yang Sempurna

  • Jangan terlalu padat: Pastikan terung tidak terlalu padat dalam kuali untuk memastikan ia masak sekata. (Don't overcrowd the pan: Ensure the eggplants are not too crowded in the pan to ensure even cooking.)
  • Gunakan api sederhana: Api yang terlalu tinggi akan menyebabkan terung hangus di luar tetapi mentah di dalam. (Use medium heat: Too high heat will cause the eggplant to burn on the outside but remain raw inside.)
  • Jangan terlalu lama: Goreng sehingga terung lembut tetapi masih mengekalkan bentuknya. (Don't overcook: Fry until the eggplant is tender but still retains its shape.)


With these resepi terung goreng, you can easily create delicious and flavourful dishes at home. Experiment with different spices and ingredients to find your perfect combination. Selamat mencuba! (Happy trying!) Remember to share your culinary creations using the hashtag #ResipiTerungGoreng!

Resipi Terung Goreng
Resipi Terung Goreng